Lactation Consultations with an IBCLC

line drawing of breastfeeding mother


Those with qualifying insurance get 6 lactation visits paid in full by insurance! 

We provide breastfeeding support in the comfort of your home. Our Lactation Consultant is an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) as well as a Registered Nurse (RN) with years of mother/baby experience. We can help with latch, pumping, milk supply, nipple concerns, pain with feeding, assessing for tongue or lip ties, and more.  We can also provide prenatal breastfeeding education and help you make a plan for returning to work. While we do offer crisis care, we recommend making an IBCLC a part of your plan for preventative care to set you up for success. Let our breastfeeding expert come to you so you don’t have to worry about finding childcare for older children, packing the diaper bag and traveling to a clinic, bundling up and enduring the harsh weather, and exposing your baby to all the circulating viral illnesses. Home visits bring the ultimate peace of mind. 

Click here to check insurance coverage

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